Today (1/22 2019) was a special day for me, I had meeting, second after 10 years, with Mr. Miroslav Koukal (*1931) from Kralupy nad Vltavou (CZ), the frog breeder who “made” Blue Fire-bellied toads variation.

He bought his first Korean FBTs (Bombina orientalis) about 1990 and few years later he bred his first Blue offsprings. This Blue coloration looks like Axanthic variation - dorsal side of skin is without pigment cells called Xanthophores. Thanks alot my friend and frog breeder Vilém Křečan for this amazing session!

Miroslav Koukal & me
The existence of axanthic Blue Fire-bellied toads, I was noticed at the end of 2007, when they were mentioned by breeders in the czech terraristik discussion site called Ifauna.

screen shots from archive discussions

It was spring 2008 when I saw offer of Blue FBTs on czech classifieds ad and bought group of colour FBTs from this amazing person. It was start of my hobby and passion...

Archive pics, Miroslav Koukal (1995?)

Blue toads breeders - Vilém Křečan and Miroslav Koukal
Jakub Polacek